Welcome Retreat is a two-day retreat where you can meet other UT Catholics and find a home at the UCC! If you are a freshman / transfer student at UT and interested in learning more about the University Catholic Center, join us for our annual Welcome Retreat!
See the details below for more information!
It is at the University Catholic Center at 2010 University Ave, Austin, TX, 78705. The retreat is an overnight retreat, Friday through Saturday.
We look forward to welcoming you to campus with student-led talks, Mass, community time and leisure, as well as an opportunity to meet other students at the start of your time on campus.
For additional questions please contact our Welcome Retreat advisor, Jocelyn Perez, [email protected]
"Attending the welcome retreat, I was immediately welcomed with a joyful environment at the UCC. Being surrounded by the environment of the UCC emphasized the feeling of "retreat" from school work and the stresses of coming to a new city. The welcome retreat allowed me to focus my attention on growing my faith and presented me with an amazing environment to meet others working toward the same goal." -Former Retreatant
"The Welcome Retreat was a great experience where I not only encountered some of the amazing students in the UCC community, but was also drawn into reflection to bring my feelings and worries to Jesus through prayer. In such a big time of transition, this retreat gave me a community and gave me avenues to approach the Lord as I put these next four years in His hands." -Former Retreatant