We have several organizations for you to get involved with and a variety of volunteer opportunities and weekly events!
For more information or find to out about each organization please see
student organizations.
CARBOS, student lunch | Wednesdays immediately after the 12:05PM Mass
You are invited to our weekly free spaghetti lunch! The UCC student community hosts a free lunch in the Fall and Spring semester on Wednesday afternoons. Take a break from campus and join in fellowship over a meal prepared by our own community!
John 15 Freshmen Fellowship | [email protected]
John 15 is an outreach ministry that aims to provide fellowship and a spiritual community for freshmen. This ministry involves co-ed small groups, weekly hangouts, praise & worship, and student speakers that will help students get plugged-in to the Catholic Center. Throughout the year we will be journeying through the 15th chapter of John's gospel, focusing on the importance of staying rooted in Christ and remaining in Him.
2024-2025 registration
FOCUS Bible Studies | [email protected]
The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) is an evangelization and outreach program centered around weekly men and women's Bible studies. FOCUS seeks to introduce students to the Person of Jesus Christ and form a personal relationship with Jesus, all while sharing in this journey with others in friendship.
2024-2025 registration
Follow us on Instagram @ut_catholic and Facebook.
If you have any questions, stop by the front desk or make an appointment with one of the members of our pastoral team.